Professionals working with children, young people and families across Norfolk have come together to form the Children and Young People Strategic Alliance. The Strategic Alliance has produced Flourishing in Norfolk as their plan for how they will work together over the next four years to help and support children, young people and their families to overcome difficulties and get to where they want to be. They want Norfolk to be a county where all children and young people can flourish. This ambition has been inspired by the things young people have told them are most important to them:
Family and friends
Access to learning
The opportunity to lead a good life
Being understood
Building resilience
Respect for their individuality
Feeling safe
Being healthy
Norfolk Black History Month wants to help make the Flourish ambition a reality so has signed up to the Flourish Pledge.
“We will involve children and young people in decision-making in our organisation and champion their voices.”
“We will set up a reference group, NBHM Young Ambassadors, made up of children and young people living in Norfolk who want to make positive changes that challenge racism in Norfolk. Their voices will shape our updated vision and values and how we celebrate Black History Month and other events throughout the year. They will be invited and supported to have a safe space at our events and we will enable them to have at least one ‘CYP take-over’ during Black History Month. We will do our best to ensure at least 50% of the group are children and young people identify as being from Ethnically Diverse Communities and work hard to remove barriers to engagement.”