Multi-Grammy-nominated sitar player and composer Anoushka Shankar is steeped in the classical Indian tradition her father Ravi Shankar brought to a worldwide audience. Today she is a singular, genre-defying artist across the realms of classical, contemporary, acoustic and electronic music with seven Grammy nominations and a global following. Her BBC Proms performances with Britten Sinfonia have been triumphant, a rapturous melding of East meets West in Jules Buckley’s captivating arrangements, and enhanced further by the enthralling sounds of Austrian percussionist Manu Delago – long-term collaborator of both Shankar and Björk. Prepare for a hypnotic evening from some masterfully attuned musicians.
Programme to include:
Roxanna Panufnik Indian Summer from Four World Seasons
Manu Delago A selection of works
Anoushka Shankar A selection of work